Monday 22 July 2013

Cake Pop Tags

I was asked to quickly created the design for the small tags that would be used to label the cake pops on the day. Working with both the client’s requirements, the cake pop tags needed to pink or silver and must include a flower.
As the decoration on the cake pops, cupcakes and main wedding cake included  roses I thought it would only be appropriate to draw a simple rose design. Here is a picture I recieved of the final product:

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Upcycle - Final Major Project for Foundation Course

I just completed my FMP (final major project) this week and the exhibition is still up! I decided to make a booklet that encourages upcycling and also made a poster design. The contents of the booklet was placed on a display board and photographed. I then added the text digitally. I created the typography for the cover design and poster. This is a small section of the cover design.

I produced the design on Illustrator, printed a stencil and screen printed on to fabric reusing old and used pigments to create this unusual effect (to suit the content of the booklet).

Here is a picture of my exhibition and the booklets that I made.